Pirate API
The pirate API is so easy to use that even a pirate could use it (if that pirate knew how to use a computer and write programs).
Pirate Insult API
The Pirate Insult API doesn't require any authorization or input. Just call the endpoint and get a text insult as a response.
Endpoint: https://pirate.monkeyness.com/api/insult
Try it! Just open that URL in a browser and you will get back a different insult each time.
Here is an example using curl from the commandline.
$ curl https://pirate.monkeyness.com/api/insult
'Tis good ye're here. Ye'll scare away the rats, ye bloody, pox-faced
codfish! ... Gangway!
Coming soon: Options to control the elements of the insult.
Pirate Translator API
The Pirate Translator API doesn't require any authorization, but you do need to tell it what you want translated. Call the endpoint with the "english" argument and get the translated message as a text response.
Endpoint: https://pirate.monkeyness.com/api/translate?english=Hello
Go ahead! Open that URL in a browser and you will get back the pirate translation. You can get it to translate things other than "hello" by putting some other text in there. If you are calling the URL directly, be sure to URL encode what you want to translate.
Here is an example using curl from the commandline.
$ curl 'https://pirate.monkeyness.com/api/translate?english=What%20is%20an%20API?'
Wha' be an API?
Coming soon: Options to adjust the translation.