The Pirate Translator

The Pirate Translator attempts to translate English language into something you could say in a drunken pirate brawl or when writing to your pirate penpal. A dictionary of nearly 1300 words and phrases are used, not counting variations on verb tense and plurality, making this translator one of the most comprehensive pirate translators in the world. Even if you don't have need to converse with pirates on a regular basis, this app is invaluable for International Talk Like a Pirate Day, September 19th.

2024-06-16 – Improved!!! New translations and better rules have been added, including adding matching pirate nicknames to recognized names. Remarkably, the Pirate Monkeyness translator outdoes GPT-4o in translations with more and more varied word substitutions. The robot overlords will eventually win out, but not today!

Created in 2006. See other projects from Tim Moses.

Pirate Monkeyness by Tim Moses is licensed under CC BY 4.0